World Language

Lane Tech offers the following World Languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.  Students should take the language placement exam if they speak the language they will be taking as a freshman OR if they took the selected language at their elementary school. The language exam will allow students to test out of the level one language and into a higher level.

Students who speak conversational Spanish at home and will be taking Spanish as a freshman should take the Spanish placement exam. Lane offers a Spanish for Heritage Speakers course that many of our students place into.  Students who indicate on the Home Language Survey that they or someone that they live with speaks Spanish at home will automatically be placed in Spanish for Heritage Speakers.

Click here for information on the difference between Spanish and Spanish for Heritage Speakers.

All language exams will be done virtually and will be live on this page at 10:30 am on Saturday, May 11th.  Students will have 1.5 hours to complete the exam, which will consist of multiple choice and matching questions, along with a short response section.  Students typically complete the exams in 30 minutes-1 hour.  Students must also complete a speaking portion of the exam after school during the week of May 13th.  The speaking portion is done via Google Meets and will take approximately 10 minutes. 

Email Ms. Johnson at if you have a schedule conflict on May 11th.

Click here to sign up for the written language placement exam.

Click here to schedule a 10 minute speaking time slot as part of the language placement exam.


Click the appropriate link below at 10:30 am on Saturday, May 11th to take the placement exam. The exam will not be live prior to 10:30 am. You must complete the online portion and submit the exam NO LATER than 12:00 pm. The exam will no longer accept responses after 12:00 noon.

Arabic Placement Exam

Mandarin Chinese Placement Exam level 2 (take this one first, if it’s easy, take level 3)

Mandarin Chinese Placement Exam level 3

French Placement Exam

German Placement Exam

Italian Placement Exam

Japanese Placement Exam

Spanish Placement Exam

Spanish for Heritage Speakers Exam