QUESTION: How do we report an early dismissal and have it excused?
ANSWER: In oder to have an early dismissal absence excused, all students must have a parent or guardian pick them up from school and sign them out at Door M.
CPS does not recognize doctor appointments as excused absences. Early dismissals due to doctor appointments will not be excused. Students are allowed to receive an ED per CPS guidelines.
Early Dismissals are only for illness and extreme emergencies.
Any adult picking up a student must show a valid ID.
If the student drives to school, parent pick up is still required.
Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) need to pick student(s) up, exceptions will not be made and if the student(s) leave, they will be marked as absent unexcused.
If the parent or legal guardian cannot pick the student up, they must call the attendance office and provide the name of the designated adult.
If an adult who is not on the contact list attempts to pick up a student and the parent has not contacted the attendance office, the student will not be allowed to leave unless the attendance office is able to verify the pick up with the parent or legal guardian.
Leaving school without official permission will result in an unexcused absence and disciplinary action. For 7th, 8th graders and freshmen, leaving the building during the lunch period is considered leaving school without official permission and will result in an unexcused absence and disciplinary action.
An early dismissal or late arrival that results in a student having less than 300 minutes of instruction on a regular attendance day results in the student having a half day (less than 300 but at least 150 minutes of instructions) or full-day of absence (less than 150 of instruction). In these cases, the student must then follow the instructions under “Reinstatement After Absence” listed at the beginning of this document.