Final Exam Schedule
Lane Tech Open House 2024
The annual Lane Tech open house will be held on Saturday, November 9th The Academic Center open house is from 9-11 a.m. and is for students in 5th and 6th grade who are interested in attending our Academic Center. The high school open house is from 12:00-3:00 p.m. and is for any student interested in […]
PSAT – 10/22/24
This is a reminder that Lane will be administering the PSAT to students in grades 8-11. Please see the bell schedule below. PSAT Bell Schedule October 22nd, 2024 Testing 8:00-12:00 pm 240 minutes Lunch 12:05-1:15 pm 70 minutes Period 7 1:20-2:15 pm 55 minutes Period 8 2:20-3:15 pm 55 minutes Please access Lane Tech’s Student […]
Explore the Wonders of Peru: A WorldStrides Study Abroad Adventure!
Are you ready for an unforgettable journey? Join Ms. Colvin and Ms. Hilton on an incredible study abroad experience to Peru from June 10th to June 18th, 2025! This trip is packed with adventures that will immerse you in the rich culture, history, and natural beauty of this amazing country. What to Expect Your journey […]
School Play – The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens
The only problem worse than having too few suspects is having too many. Who killed Edward Worthington III? Was it his wife, ex wife, future wife, family, business associates, staff? It’s a dinner to die for. Come see Lane’s fall play and murder mystery, The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens. Date Time Wednesday, October 23 3:45 […]
Friday Flyover: Lane Tech High School
2024-25 School Year: Important Health Requirements and Deadlines for Students / Año Escolar 2024-25: Requisitos de Salud Importantes y Fechas Límite para Estudiantes
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Staying up-to-date on your student’s immunizations and school physical examinations is a crucial step to keeping your family healthy. Review the District’s School Health Requirements and check in with your primary care physician at your medical home to ensure that your students are protected. Please note that all students are required […]
CPS’ New Approach to School and District Accountability! / ¡Una nueva manera de abordar la rendición de cuentas en CPS!
CPS is rolling out an updated method to track performance and progress in our District and schools, called Continuous Improvement and Data Transparency (CIDT). Feedback was gathered from more than 21,000 stakeholders. Why the change? CIDT applies many lessons learned from the old rating policy to provide a more complete picture of each school and […]