Teen Wellness Parent Series Video Bundle

Please view our 2022 Teen Wellness Parent Series presentation video collection!! Mental Health education is critical and ongoing, and we are grateful to have a receptive audience of parents! If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student’s social-emotional well being, please reach out to your student’s counselor for support. Thank you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOj41YDfT1w&list=PLoVtt5njP5MJxfbazttP1K926Y-XUr8Cz

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Teen Wellness Parent Series Video — Mental Health Among Athletes

Please view our Teen Wellness Parent Series video from the May 4 presentation, Mental Health Among Athletes. This was our last presentation of the year, and we are pleased that so many of you could join us to make this initiative successful! Thank you! Previous videos can be found in our playlist below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOj41YDfT1w&list=PLoVtt5njP5MJxfbazttP1K926Y-XUr8Cz

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Final LTAC Math Team Results

This past weekend the LTAC Math Team competed in the final CJML contest. Both the 7th and 8th grade teams placed 1st at our site (2nd overall in the city). The following 8th graders received a medal: Michael Majewski (1st), Julia Matula (2nd), Anish Maitra (3rd), Miriam Gass (3rd), Gus Silberg (3rd), Joshua Wang (4th), […]

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Skills Strengthening Sessions

After last year’s challenges, we understand that some of our students may need to brush up on some of the skills that are fundamental to learning. Because of this, Lane is hosting a series of Skills Strengthening Sessions to help students grow in some of the areas that our teachers have identified as skills that […]

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Summer Enrichment 2022

Lane will be offering summer enrichment classes and workshops on a variety of workshops for grades 6-12. Check out our course catalog to learn more and sign up!

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LTAC Math Team Wins First Place in Math Competition

The LTAC Math Team competed in ICTM which is a statewide competition. For the first time, the 8th grade team finished 1st overall and finally defeated the Chicago Lab School. The 7th grade team also had a successful season and placed 3rd overall. Congratulations to all of our Mathletes!

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May Teen Wellness – 5/4/2022

Please join our May Teen Wellness Parent Series Presentation, Mental Health Among Athletes, this Wednesday, May 4 from 7-8:00 PM. This is our last presentation of the year, so we hope you can attend! Flier / Sign up https://www.canva.com/design/DAE6ZmEBssc/9oizXLn9UHFIA-0mlNvIrg/view?utm_content=DAE6ZmEBssc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer

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Teen Wellness Parent Series 2 Video: Depression

Please view the latest video from Lane Tech’s Teen Wellness Parent Presentation Series! The presentation topic is Signs of Depression in Teens. Presentation was co-facilitated by Laura McLaughlin-Kantowicz, Lane Tech Social Worker, and Dr. Stewart Shankman, Professor Department of Psychiatry, Northwestern University. The video includes information about Northwestern’s ongoing research on depression in teens. If you […]

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