
Lane Tech College Prep provides challenging and meaningful curriculum in a technologically advanced learning environment that empowers students to attain their education goals and prepares students for the 21st century. As a school of academic and athletic champions, Lane Tech offers a wide variety of high-quality learning and extracurricular opportunities which includes the largest Advanced Placement (AP) program in the city; Science Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program with the largest science fair in the city and state; Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science (GEMS) program; award winning Music and Art programs; award winning journalism program; and highly acclaimed athletic program that has been named the CPS Athletic School of the Year for 6 out of the last 8 years. In addition, Lane Tech offers over 100 electives including world languages (with the newest addition of Arabic), Advanced Placement, and 21st century technology courses such as 3-D animation, digital design, engineering design, robotics, computer programming, and web design. Improving upon the technological aspect of the school, Lane Tech has recently added several new technologically advanced laboratories and facilities including a Reading and Writing Computer Resource Lab, Apple Computer Lab, and a STEM wing complete with an aquaponics facility, two multi-purpose computer labs, and two lecture spaces. In recognition for demonstrating the highest level of achievement, the prestigious Blue Ribbon School award and recognition was bestowed upon Lane Tech in the fall of 2012.

Graduation Requirements

For more detailed information on district graduation policies, please visit this page .

CPS Lane Tech
Subject Credits Subject Credits
English 4 English 4
Mathematics 3 Mathematics 4
Science 3 Science 4
Social Science1 3 Social Science1 3
World Language 2 World Language 3
Fine Arts (Art, Drama, or Music) 2 Fine Arts (Art, Drama, or Music) 2
Computer Science 1 Computer Science 1
Physical Education 2 2 Physical Education 2 2
Career Education 3 2 College Prep Electives 5
Electives 2 (All electives at Lane Tech are College Prep Electives)


Additionally, Lane Tech requires that all students take at least 1 Advanced Placement course.

10.5 Credits must be fulfilled through Civics course
2Students must complete 4 years of PE to meet the enrollment requirement OR complete a PE Waiver form
3Advanced academic courses may be substituted for Career Education courses (ie: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, World Language, Fine Arts, or Computer Science)

Non-Credit Bearing Requirements


Curriculum Guide as of 12/1/18

The following curriculum options allow students to meet both CPS and Lane Tech graduation requirements while exploring specific majors or interest. Click on the area of Concentration to see a detailed curriculum guide.

9 10 11 12


1 English I: Survey Lit. English II: Amer. Lit. H or AP English III H or AP English IV
2 Algebra^ Geometry Algebra II-Trigonometry or HT Math IV
3 H Biology Chemistry H or AP Physics H or AP Science IV
4  H World Studies or AP Human Geo AP World History/AP European History AP US History or Civics Elective H or AP Senior Elective or Civics Elective
5 H Language I H Language II H or AP Language III H or AP Senior Elective
6 H Art / Music / Drama/Computer Science H Art / Music / Drama/Computer Science H Art / Music / Drama/Computer Science H or AP Senior Elective


1 H English I: Survey Lit. H English II: Amer. Lit. H or AP English III H or AP English IV
2 H Algebra^ H Geometry H Algebra II-Trigonometry or HT H or AP Math IV
3 H Biology H Chemistry H or AP Physics H or AP Science IV
4 H World Studies or AP Human Geo Hon US History or AP World History/AP European History AP US History or Civics Elective H or AP Senior Elective or Civics Elective
5 H Language I H Language II H Language III Any Elective
6 H Exploring Comp. Science H Comp. Science Course H Art / Music / Drama H Art / Music / Drama
7 PE I or ROTC I PE II or ROTC II H Comp. Science Course AP Comp. Science A


1 H English I: Survey Lit. H English II: Amer. Lit. H or AP English III H or AP English IV
2 H Algebra^ H Geometry H Algebra II-Trigonometry or HT H or AP Math IV
3 H Biology H Chemistry H or AP Physics H or AP Science IV
4 H World Studies or AP Human Geo Hon US History or AP World History/AP European History AP US History or Civics Elective H or AP Senior Elective or Civics Elective
5 H Language I H Language II H Language III H Computer Science Elective
6 H Art I H Art II Elective H or AP Art III Elective H or AP Art IV Elective
7 PE I or ROTC I PE II or ROTC II Elective Elective


1 H English I: Survey Lit. H English II: Amer. Lit. H or AP English III H or AP English IV
2 H Algebra^ H Geometry H Algebra II-Trigonometry or HT H or AP Math IV
3 H Biology H Chemistry H or AP Physics H or AP Science IV
4 H World Studies or AP Human Geo Hon US History or AP World History/AP European History AP US History or Civics Elective H or AP Senior Elective or Civics Elective
5 H Language I H Language II H Language III Computer Science Elective
6 Ensemble Ensemble Ensemble Ensemble
7 PE I or ROTC I PE II or ROTC II Music Elective Music Elective


1 Alpha H English I Alpha H English II Alpha AP English Lang Alpha AP English Lit
2 Alpha H Biology Alpha H Chemistry Alpha AP Physics AP Elective and Lab for double period AP course
3 Alpha H Geometry Alpha H Alg II-Trig BC Alpha Pre Calc BC AP Stats or AP Calc
4 AP Human Geo AP World History or AP European History AP US History Civics Elective
5 H Language I H Language II H Language III H Art / Music / Drama
6 H Exploring Computer Science AP Environmental Science Stem Elective Alpha STEM Research
7 PE I or ROTC I PE II or ROTC II H Art / Music / Drama *Double Period Science


1 Omega H English I Omega H English II Omega AP English Lang Omega AP English Lit
2 H Biology H Chemistry H or AP Physics Science or Math Elective
3 H Geometry or Algebra Geometry or Adv Alg w/Trig Adv Alg Trig or PreCalc Math elective
4 Omega AP Human Geo Omega AP World History Omega AP US History Omega AP Psychology
5 H Language I H Language II H Language III Senior Elective
6 Art/Music/Drama or Computer Science Elective Art/Music/Drama or Computer Science Elective Art/Music/Drama or Computer Science Elective Senior Elective
7 PE I or ROTC I PE II or ROTC II AP Seminar AP Research

World Language

1 H English I H English II H or AP English III H or AP English IV
2 H Algebra^ H Geometry H Algebra II-Trigonometry or HT H or AP Math IV
3 H Biology H Chemistry H or AP Physics H or AP Science
4 AP Human Geo AP World History or AP European History AP US History Civics Elective
5 H Language I H Language II H or AP Language III AP Language and
6 H Art / Music / Drama H Art / Music / Drama / Elective H Computer Science Elective H or AP Senior Elective
7 PE I or ROTC I PE II or ROTC II H Language I (2nd Language)  H Language II (2nd Language)


1 English I: Survey Lit. English II: Amer. Lit. H or AP English III H or AP English IV
2 Algebra^ Geometry Algebra II-Trigonometry or HT Math IV
3 H Biology H Chemistry H or AP Physics H or AP Science IV
4 AP Human Geo AP World History or AP European History AP US History Civics Elective
5 H Language I H Language II H or AP Language III H. Computer Science Elective
6 H. Theatre Workshop
(Theatre Arts I)
H. Intermediate Theatre Workshop
(Theatre Arts II)
H. Advanced Acting Studio 1
(Theatre Arts III)
H. Advanced Acting Studio 2
(Theatre Arts IV)
7 PE I or ROTC I PE II or ROTC II H or AP Elective H or AP Elective

^ Entering freshmen may take more advanced math courses based on their Algebra exit exam score and previous credits received at CPS Academic Centers.

* The third and fourth year of PE/ROTC can be waived in certain circumstances. Students will work with their counselors during their sophomore year to determine whether they are required to take PE/ROTC III & IV.

All students will work with their counselors annually to select classes for the following year. Counselors perform credit checks each year to ensure that students are on track to meet all CPS graduation requirements and will assist students with choosing classes.



  • Lane Tech encourages students to take enrichment courses through City Colleges Dual Enrollment
  • Students must schedule meeting with counselor for school approval
  • Lane Tech does not include/add these courses to student transcripts, but students will receive a City College transcript that can be used for college applications and for college credit.
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