Course Catalog
Click on department to view course list
School Year 2025-2026 Course Selection Information
- Friends of Lane Slide Presentation
- Freshmen Course Selection Planning Workshop Slide Deck
- Sophomore Course Selection Planning Workshop Slide Deck
- Course Registration Site Link- Use this link to choose courses once your window opens.
- Area of Concentration Declaration Form-Due by December 6th. This must be completed by Freshmen and/or Sophomores in order to pre-select concentration courses.
- Independent Programs of Study and Service Applications are due no later than January 12th.
Available Positions can be found at the bottom of this page. Click Here for more information about each of these programs.
Course requests are scheduled to begin in January with the first group of juniors. Students will receive their group number in an email sent out the week of January 20th. When your window opens, you will be able to log onto the course registration site and choose courses. The tentative schedule is as follows (based on total credits):
- Course Selection Windows
- JUNIORS: January 27th- Feb 17th
- Gp 1- 1/27-1/31
- Gp 2- 2/3-2/7
- Gp 3- 2/10-2/14
- Gp 4- 2/18-2/21
- SOPHOMORES: February 24th-March 21st
- Gp 5- 2/24-2/28
- Gp 6- 3/3-3/7
- Gp 7- 3/10- 3/14
- Gp 8- 3/17- 3/21
- FRESHMEN: April 1th-April 11th
- Gp 9- 4/1- 4/2
- Gp 10- 4/3- 4/4
- Gp 11- 4/7 & 4/9
- Gp 12- 4/11-4/14
- JUNIORS: January 27th- Feb 17th
Course Selection Instructions
Course requests will be processed in order of Semester 1 grades. Make sure you select your courses carefully and submit your request during your assigned time frame. If you miss your assigned time frame, you will be able to request courses during the next time frame but will lose your "earlier group" priority.
Before submitting your course request, verify that you meet the requirements for the courses and that they follow the suggested curriculum that puts you on track for graduation. This information can be found on the Curriculum page. Courses being offered next school year can be found on the Course Catalog page.
Submitting your online course request does not guarantee enrollment. Once you select your courses, you will be prompted to answer a few additional questions. You will be REQUIRED to meet with your counselor. You will receive an email confirmation of your selected courses and a link to schedule your appointment with your counselor. You MUST be prepared for this meeting or else your course requests will not be held and you will have to wait until the next group of selection.
- PE Exemption form
- (Academics --> Curriculum)
- This page lists graduation requirements and curriculum guides for each major. Please note that the curriculum guides for each major are suggestions to ensure on-track graduation. Suggested electives can be substituted with other electives that meet graduation requirements.
- Blank Planning Guide Use this worksheet to determine which courses you should select in order to meet graduation requirements.
- Areas of Concentration Curriculum Plan Guides for various tracks and programs
- Area of Concentration Declaration Form- This form is DUE no later than December 9th
- Independent Programs of Study and Service Applications are due no later than January 12th.
Available Teacher Assistant Positions for School Year 2025-2026
- The purpose of this Student Teaching Assistant program is to aid in the learning and educational experience in the designated classroom in terms of both curriculum implementation, curriculum development, and student support. Here are some of the responsibilities of students:
- To reinforce instruction given by the teacher by reviewing the material in both small group and one on one support
- Help support classroom procedures and behavior expectations
- Provide guidance for students in class in terms of social and emotional development that is appropriate for designated classroom/subject and grade level
- Collaborate with lead teacher on lessons and activities by planning, researching, and bringing new and interesting perspectives to the curriculum
- Other responsibilities and expectations of TA will be discussed and written in agreement between student and lead teacher
- Ceramics 1
- Digital Imaging I
- Photography
- Textiles I
Computer Science
- Maker's Lab
- Civic Action through Computer Science
- AP Computer Science Principles
- Android Application Development
- Programming
- Omega English 1
- Omega English 2
- Omega AP English Language
- Omega AP English Literature
- Women in Literature
- Self Contained Adv Alg w/Trig
- AP Calculus AB/BC
- Geometry
- Hon Adv Alg w/Trig AB
- Beginning Guitar
- Beginning Band
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Chemistry
- Hon Biology
- Hon Physics
- AP Physics 1
- Alpha Honors Chemistry BC
- Alpha Honors Biology
- Honors Chemistry
- Hon Chemistry BC
- Unified Horticulture
- Hon Astrochemistry
Social Science
- AP World History
- AP Economics
World Language
- AP French
- Italian (all levels)
- AP Seminar
- LTAC Academy
Closed or Limited Courses
The following courses are closed or have limited seats available for Course Selection.
- AP Drawing- Closed
- AS1 AP 2-D Art and Design- Closed
- Ceramics I- Closed for rising Seniors and rising Juniors
- Film I- Closed for rising Seniors and rising Juniors
- HS1 Photography- Closed
- HS1 Studio Sculpture- Closed
- HS1 Metalsmithing-Closed
- HS1 Adv Textile Fiber Art I- Closed
- HS1 Digital Imaging I-Closed
- HS1 Digital Imaging II-Closed
- HS1 Studio Drawing & Painting I-Closed
- HS1 Studio Printmaking I-Closed
- HS1 Contemporary Painting-Closed
- HS1 Studio Mixed-Media I-Closed
- AS1 AP Art History-Closed
Computer Science
- AP Cybersecurity- Closed
- HS1 Software App II: Portfolio- Closed
- HS1 Intro to Robotics-Closed
Theater Arts
- Women in Literature For English 4 Credit-Closed
- African American Literature For English 4 Credit-Closed
- Latin American Literature For English 4 Credit-Closed
- Literary Activism-Closed
- Sports Communication 1/2-Closed
- Yearbook-Closed for Rising 11th/12th- 5 seats left for rising 10th
- HS1 Wrtg Center Inst I-Closed
- HS1 Wrtg Center Inst II-Closed
- Newspaper-Closed
- Multivariable Calculus (Calc 3)- Closed
- Financial Literacy-Closed
- Hs1 Beginning Piano-Closed
Physical Education
- Rs1 Team Sports I/II-Closed
- HS1 Unified Horticulture-Closed
- HS1 Unified STEM-Closed for rising seniors
- AP Physics 2-Closed
- AP Physics C-Closed
- AP Biology-Closed
- AP Environmental Science-Closed
- HS1 Neuroscience-Closed
- HS1 Aerospace Engineering-Closed
- HS1 Engineering Design- Closed
- HS1 Aquaponics-Closed
- HS1 Anatomy and Physiology-Closed
- HS1 Genetics-Closed
- HS1 Astrochemistry-Closed
- HS1 Forensic Science-Closed
- HS1 Organic Chemistry-Closed
- HS1 Conservation Science-Closed
- HS1 Zoology-Closed
- HS1 Horticulture-Closed
- AS1 AP Chemistry-Closed
- HS1 Astronomy-Closed
- HS1 Aquatic and Marine Science-Closed
Social Science
- AP Macroeconomics-Closed
- AP Microeconomics-Closed
- AP Micro/Macro-Closed
- Hs1 Law-Closed
- AP Psychology-Closed